About our Program
Homeowners in small communities and rural areas without a public water supply often lack appropriate understanding of best practices for managing, operating, and protecting their private well. In this nationwide technical assistance and training initiative, funded by the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP), through a grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency, a step-by-step education framework has been developed to assist well owners and other stakeholders in understanding groundwater hydrology, well fundamentals, well care best practices, and finding assistance locally. It also helps well owners understand how to sample their well, how to interpret sample results, and what they can do to protect their well and source water from contamination. The program leverages web-based content, including email, video, and social media to reach and educate homeowners on this important health topic. The Illinois State Water Survey and the Illinois Water Resources Center, at the University of Illinois, have collaboratively developed the curriculum for this program.
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