Call for Presentations

2025 Private Well Conference Call for Presentations – Deadline is February 10th, 2025.

The Private Well Class program at the University of Illinois is hosting their 5th National Private Well Conference and Stakeholder Meeting May 20-22, 2025 in Bloomington, Illinois. This conference aims to bring together experts and prac­titioners to share their successes and experience for the benefit of the private well community at large.

  • Do you have a novel program that could be replicated in other parts of the country?
  • Are you using innovative and non-traditional methods to reach well owners in your area? 

We would like to invite you to present at the conference.

If you are interested in presenting at this unique event, focused on supporting the professionals that work with well owners every day, please submit an abstract. Please include the following in your submission:

  • Title
  • Abstract – 300 words or less
  • Speaker Bio(s) – 125 words or less

Topics must be directly relevant to the professional private well community (EHP’s, drillers, labs, regulators, extension, etc.) and provide information that can be taken home and used to improve or benefit local and state programs that work to provide outreach and education to private well owners and professionals. 

We encourage you to review the presentations from the 2017, 2019, 2021, and 2022 conferences on our YouTube channel to get a better understanding of the focus of this conference. Presentations should focus on providing information that can be used by practitioners in their everyday work with private well owners. The goal of the conference is to leverage the experiences of others to provide new information and insights to help you in your efforts to educate and provide support to private well owners.

The abstract selections will be made by February 21st, and some of the topics of interest include:

  • PFAS – testing, treatment, remediation
  • Well rehabilitation and upgrading/improving poor well construction
  • Financing/funding for wells, treatment, septic
  • Health effects of contaminants
  • Social science efforts with private well owners
  • Current and emerging issues with private wells
  • New technologies used in the field
  • Providing well and water quality information to the public
  • Biofilms and bacteria related issues
  • Private Well outreach and education
  • Effects of flooding and drought on wells and well water quality

This is not a complete list and other topics will be considered.

Presentation slots will be 30 minutes, with 25 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes for questions.

Submit your Abstract

There may be limited travel funds available for some speakers.